Electrical and Computer Engineering ECEn 563: Numerical Methods for Engineering Home Schedule Info



Karl F. Warnick
Office: 459 CB

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
3:30-4:45 Class
406 CB 
406 CB 

Class Text
Warnick, Numerical Methods for Engineering, 2nd Edition, IET Press, 2020


Assignments: (70%) Homework assignments will be given roughly every class period, and will be due in class the following period or as indicated. The assignments will include derivations of key results from the course material, writing numerical codes, and applying those codes to various types of application problems. Your observations and results will be used to facilitate our class discussions.
Major code projects: (15%) Over the course of the semester, groups of homework assignments will lead to the development of several major codes. The course grade depends on successful completion of these codes. The codes and homework are substantial assignments, and take the place of midterm exams.
Final Exam (15%): The final exam will cover important topics and derivations from the course, and will be given at the scheduled place and time as listed by the university.


Group study: I encourage conversing about interesting points, behavior of numerical results, and interpretation of mathematical formulas. Codes must be written individually. Sharing of codes or code fragments is not allowed.

Figures: Label all plot axes including units. When comparing results, overlay them on the same plot, use a legend to identify multiple curves, and be sure that different curves are distinguishable. Use a loglog or semilog plot for numbers that become very large or very small or have a power law behavior.


Debugging even short numerical codes can take many hours. In order to reduce the time required to obtain working codes, here are several suggestions: Good programming practices also save time in the long run: